High-Density Lithium Niobate Photonic Integrated Circuits
What is the project about?
Electro-optic modulators convert high-speed electrical signals to optical signals in photonic systems. Lithium niobate (LN) is a popular choice due to its strong electro-optic activity, chemical stability, transparency, and ability to withstand high optical power levels. Thin-film LN advancements offer smaller, lower voltage, and wider bandwidth modulators while retaining material system advantages. Further size reduction and increased density is necessary for large-scale photonic integration.
HDLN aims to establish high-density thin-film LN technology and demonstrate its viability for ultra-fast optical communications and photonic-electronic signal processing. The project involves experienced partners from academia and industry, including a manufacturing start-up, a photonic design and test house, and a leading communications company.
List of participants